Learn how to deploy your Next.js app to Firebase App Hosting in just 5 minutes! Watch the step-by-step guide of setting it up correctly.
A simple step-by-step guide to integrating Umami Analytics with Next.js App Router.
A step-by-step guide to configure your website on GitHub Pages with a custom subdomain.
Do you want to zoom in and out of your React UI by holding the Ctrl (control) key and the scroll wheel? Let’s examine how to archive this easily.
If WhatsApp is not showing your Open Graph image, it might be due to the file size of the image. It is recommended that the size is below 300KB. Learn how to add an additional image to your Next.js application.
Using an icon (e.g., an SVG) or an emoji for a link is often convenient instead of a text link. But keep in mind that this is not accessible for all people, e.g., because they use a screen reader or simply don’t recognize the icon.